What to do when you visit Lima, PeruJuly 8, 2016Known alternately as “the City of Kings” and “the Garden City” Lima is a capital of contrasts. Located where the desert meets the ...Read more
Talavera of Puebla: the origin of unique handmade objectsJuly 6, 2016The humble, everyday forms of a jug and mug: beautiful in their simplicity, functional in their elegance. They sit comfortably in the ...Read more
The meaning of handmade basketsJune 23, 2016“The baskets are not empty. They are full of makers, their stories, their thoughts while making. The baskets are never empty. All of ...Read more
A place to eat: D.O.M.June 23, 2016The Amazon rainforest, home to vibrant biological diversity, is emblematic of all that remains wild in this world. An endless, textured ...Read more
A movie to watch: Embrace of the SerpentJune 23, 2016Dir. Cirro Guerra (2015). Starring Antonio Bolivar, Brionne Davis, Jan Bijvoet, Luigi Sciamanna, Nicolás Cancino, Nilbio Torres, ...Read more
The Bolivian BowlerJune 22, 2016Throughout Bolivia, in bustling city and jungled countryside alike, cholas are a common sight. Hawking goods on street corners; working ...Read more
Going grocery shopping at the Incas’ playgroundJune 19, 2016Often described as a Pandora box, San Pedro Market at Cuzco, a city that represents the sum of 3000 years of indigenous and autonomous ...Read more
Alpaca fibers: The treasure of the AndesJune 10, 2016Alpaca fibers, fine filaments of fleece shorn from an animal half a world away, lovingly woven to form a dazzling textile. Soft to ...Read more
Weaving spirit shelters, the Mayan huipilJune 7, 2016“The drama unfolds: while the toad sings at the mouth of the Earthlord's mountain cave, the Earthlord's daughters fluff cotton that ...Read more