A beautiful object dazzles us. A flawless technique moves us. An honest story brings us closer to mankind. A Maison Numen object is the perfect mix of beauty, technique and tradition.
Create meaningful moments with your friends, give objects with soul.

Biophilia Wonders

Shop biophilia wonders collection.
Shop biophilia wonders collection.

Biophilia Wonders

Spring has arrived and it is the perfect season to give your home a fresh new look with biophilic inspiration, for we have found this type of decor allows us to incorporate nature in an extensive and seamless way, creating healthier and more peaceful places.


Our latest collection invites us to reconnect with nature from the intimacy of home in order to explore through beautiful pieces what we, as individuals, can create from raw and recycled materials. These handmade objects are from highly skilled artisans from France, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, UK and Turkey that preserve their cultural heritage by adapting them to contemporary life.




A bottle of wine is often silent witness to a few dance steps, a debate, a burst of laughter, or a seduction game. Q de Bouteilles reimagines recycling by making those sacred moments last through art, giving bottles a second life once they are emptied of wine, and filled with memories