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Ode to the coffee cake

Ode to the coffee cake

The exact origin of the coffee cake is a subject of discussion, some say that it comes directly from the Danish coffee cake, others say that its most obvious tie comes from the aranygaluska, a Hungarian recipe that contains cinnamon and walnuts. But as many time happens, the coffee cake just got better with time… and travel. By the late 1800s coffee cakes were famous in New York, Dutch and Germans claimed to be the masters in its making. Although its Danish version contained coffee, as does the British Coffee cake -covered by coffee flavoured butter icing-, neither the aranygaluska, nor the modern coffee cake contain coffee. The reason for its name is because like the tea cake, it has a perfect pairing with a cup of coffee at snack time. So, if the modern concept of coffe cake we owe to all of those who bothered to make spongey-cinnamony cakes, who do we have to thank for the concept of the coffee break? That’s another delicious story, maybe for the next break.