A beautiful object dazzles us. A flawless technique moves us. An honest story brings us closer to mankind. A Maison Numen object is the perfect mix of beauty, technique and tradition.
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Wanderlust Collection


Wanderlust Collection

Discovering America’s botanical treasures must have been the most exhilarating experience for Alexander von Humboldt and his expedition companion, Aimé Bonpland, who spent five years traveling around Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico and the United States during the early days of the nineteenth century.

Inside the rich encyclopedia they published after their great adventure, titled Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, are all their findings related to astronomy, geography, zoology and botany, next to stories from one of the most remarkable scientific expeditions in history.

This magical encounter, between the Old World and the deep forests surrounding the Orinoco river, inspired us to develop a collection that reflects on their sense of adventure and discovery.