A beautiful object dazzles us. A flawless technique moves us. An honest story brings us closer to mankind. A Maison Numen object is the perfect mix of beauty, technique and tradition.
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A Beginners Guide to Conscious Home Decor Shopping

Being a conscious shopper is no easy task. There are so many ways our behaviors as consumers are damaging the planet and our fellow human beings. So how do we know we’re doing it right?


Since the early beginnings of Maison Numen, we’ve asked ourselves this question. Different wording, yes, but at the end of the day, it comes down to the same thing: is this the best possible way of doing things? Do we practice what we preach?


And it is by constantly challenging ourselves, challenging the status quo, that we have arrived at a place where we are truly proud of ourselves. Can we do it better? Always! Will we stop looking to improve our footprint on the planet? Never!


Do you also want to do better? Welcome to the club! Here is a simple checklist to consider whenever you’re buying Home Decor:


1. Demand transparency

Demand transparency in your home decor products.


As a shopper, you have the power to reward or punish brands by the way they are conducting themselves. If you can’t see where the product is made, who is making it, and how, keep looking! Somebody else is probably doing it better, with a sustainable home decor brand, and deserves your dollars more.




2. Invest in people

Handwoven textiles from Mexico


We believe in people, in artisans working to keep traditions alive, in trained eyes to know something good when it hits them. We believe in the power of good stories. Invest in good people so great stories, and great handmade products, continue to be made.




3. Shop smart

Handmade Moroccan home decor pieces


Buying handmade goods, unfortunately, is not enough. Because excessive consumption, even if it’s on responsible choices, it’s not sustainable. Shop smart, invest in pieces you know you’ll use creatively, in different ways, and you won’t get tired of.




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