A beautiful object dazzles us. A flawless technique moves us. An honest story brings us closer to mankind. A Maison Numen object is the perfect mix of beauty, technique and tradition.
Create meaningful moments with your friends, give objects with soul.

A day of Gerardo Zaldivar in an artisan’s workshop

By Maison Numen

“We try to spend as much time as possible in the artisan’s workshop, practicing alongside them, learning from the masters. They have techniques and understandings that are extremely valuable to us, and we are always keen to know more about their crafts.”
Gerardo Zaldívar

8:00 – My day begins when I meet with María Valdespin – the other half of Studio Cardinal. We usually meet for breakfast, talk a little bit about the project at hand, and the day ahead. After this; depending on what we have to do, we either head to the artisans’ workshop or to the construction site.


9:00 – Our visits to the artisan’s workshop are very rewarding, giving us a chance to run our ideas by master craftspeople; they give us an idea of what can be done, what techniques best suit the project, and what adjustments may need to be made. We learn so much from the artisans, building an understanding of each process used, and how the final handmade product come to life.


12:30 – When we visit the artisans, there’s nothing better than staying and eating with them, whether we bring food or they prepare it, it’s always rewarding. When you eat with people, you really share a community; work is put aside and you get to experience the other sides of life. The conversations are wide-ranging, with diverse topics and much knowledge exchanged.


17:00 – Once the day’s work is done at the artisans’ workshop and the evening is coming, everyone goes home.


18:00 – If any ideas or projects are still needing going over, Maria and I will discuss it with coffee or dinner, depending on the time. We work very closely, inspiring each other through each project.

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