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The Maison Numen Signature Drink

Maison Numen

Meet cocktail stylist, professional party planner and fabulous bartender Natalie Migliarini, she is the mastermind behind Beautiful Booze. We teamed up with her to create our Maison Numen signature drink, just in time for outdoor garden parties!
We hope you will enjoy, cheers!

Meet cocktail stylist, professional party planner and fabulous bartender Natalie Migliarini, she is the mastermind behind beautiful booze. We teamed up with her to create our Maison Numen signature drink, just in time for outdoor garden parties!


This recipe is a result of combining a number of our favorite summer cocktails in preparation for the warmer months ahead. We elevated the classic berry sangria by adding bubbles so you can really class up your next event with an extraordinary drinkware set. The inspiration came to us when we were wanting to make some delicious Champagne cocktails for a group of friends; we were entertaining but didn’t want to be in the bar all evening making them individually.

Instead, we considered just making a big batch of sangria and decided instead of the traditional red or white wine we could use the bottles of Champagne we already had in our cellar. It turned out delicious; we started by creating a strawberry simple syrup then topped that with Venezuelan rum and of course a whole lot of Champagne. We also froze all of the fresh berries so they would help keep the punch cool while we just sat back with our friends and enjoyed a few glasses instead of serving everyone else all night. They are so delicious and you can easily imagine yourself sitting on a tropical beach sipping glass after glass of this delicious punch.


6 ounces strawberry simple syrup

6 ounces Venezuelan rum

Champagne (to top)
Fresh berries (garnish)


Cut your fresh berries and freeze ahead of time
Fill half way of your glass pitcher with ice
Combine strawberry simple syrup and rum in punch vessel

Stir to combine and chill ingredients
Add frozen berries
Top with Champagne
Stir again lightly and serve in your favorite Maison Numen’s drinkware set.

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