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Host a Mother’s day brunch with home accents

By Christopher Jury Morgan

The days are lengthening, the sun’s rays warming and green shoots are replacing frost: all signs that spring is knocking on the door! As a time of beginnings and possibilities, why not usher in the season with a modern ritual that everyone loves – a Mother’s Day brunch.

Whilst there’s likely no lack of venues to choose from in your area, sometimes the best place for such a celebration is your own home; an intimate setting for a long morning of good food, and the great company of close friends and family. Here at Maison Numen we’re passionate about just this kind of affair and have compiled these suggestions to help you host the perfect brunch. Enjoy!


Bringing Springtime Home

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Spring is nature’s morning when the world wakes up after winter’s long night. Why not bring this seasonal freshness into your home, right to the table? Arrange some fresh-cut flowers around the room, ideally the night before so that their sweet scents have a chance to settle in. A colorful handmade tablecloth such as this one can make all the difference, whilst this gorgeous set of pastel-colored Italian glasses will finish the look.

To complement these bright colors you need some decor accents for which we can find no better candidate than this beautiful crockery set – the perfect selection for the occasion. Being oven, stovetop, and microwave safe, it’s ideal to serve your brunch in. A good idea is setting everything out the night before, ready for the morning – this way the work is done and all that’s left is food!


Craft Your Perfect Menu

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The beauty of brunch is its flexibility: by being neither one meal nor another, it can be whatever you want it to be! Work out your menu in advance, and don’t be scared to get creative.

We believe that nothing says luxury like tasteful variety, both in decor accents and cooking. Why not look to other cultures’ cuisines for inspiration and introduce your guests to new tastes from around the world? This delicious Catalan breakfast classic offers an exciting alternative to toast, whilst this Turkish staple is easy to prepare in advance and truly delectable. A good salad is never amiss, and this zingy Indian one is perfect springtime fare.

By preordering a batch of croissants from your local patisserie for collection in the morning, you can finish the meal off with fresh pastries – and perhaps a juicy fruit salad too.


The Mains

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Whilst the best brunches we’ve had all share variety in common, there’s always one or two main dishes around which the rest revolve. Some swear by their scrambled eggs, others by their sunny sides up. If you’re keen on the former, why not take inspiration from this green alternative. If you’re a fan of the latter, you could make this fresh Mexican classic. Alternatively, you can prepare your main dish the night before and simply slide it into the oven in the morning. A healthy take on an American classic, this Strata is best prepared in advance in a casserole dish and will leave your guests asking for more!


Don’t Forget Coffee

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It’s morning, and no morning is complete without coffee. Bocono, a small town in the Venezuelan Andes, is not only home to the beautiful handmade pottery set suggested above – but it’s also renowned for its great coffee! If you can’t get hold of this, see what roasteries there are in your area. If you don’t have a burr grinder at home ask the coffee seller to grind the coffee fresh for you when you pick it up the day before: the fresher the grind, the better they taste! The renowned roasters at Stumptown have produced this useful guide to help you get the best cup of coffee for yourself and your guests.


Cocktail O’clock!

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What’s brunch without a Bloody Mary? The preprepared mix can be a real lifesaver and, with some fresh celery, creates great results. Why stick to the standards though? This Canadian classic will gives your brunch a cultural twist – just make sure nobody has seafood allergies! Lend a touch of Italian class to your drinks by serving them in a pitcher such as this one and bring it to the table.


Bon Appétit!

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